July 24, 2017

This April, we announced that Via Evaluation is stepping into the future and transitioning ownership and leadership of the company. On July 1st, Via Evaluation became a majority women-owned and -led business. Jessica Weitzel is now the President and Komani Lundquist the CEO of Via Evaluation. Founder Gary Ciurczak has agreed to stay with the company as a partner and Director of Business Development for the next several years.

Soon after the transition was formalized, we applied to New York State to be formally recognized as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE). We worked diligently to ensure our application was clear and complete, and now have an application number acknowledging our work. Our binder full of WBE supporting materials weighed about the same as Komani’s newborn!

We are very excited for this transition, and to be part of the women-owned business community! We will keep clients updated about our certification progress. In the meantime if you would like to talk with us about this, need our application number for reference, or are interested in evaluation services, please call us at (716) 362-0627 or email us at [email protected].