VIA is a team of experts, dedicated to providing timely and responsive evaluation services


VIA is a team of experts, dedicated to providing timely and responsive evaluation services

President & Co-Owner

Jessica Weitzel, MPH

Jessica has been doing research and evaluation work in education, social work, public health, and related fields for 20 years. In addition to planning and implementing strategic company initiatives, she oversees all projects and evaluation staff at Via Evaluation. This, along with ongoing professional development, gives her a broad perspective on evaluation methods, purposes, and related topics. She has completed a wide range of projects funded by federal and state governments, foundations, community-based organizations, school districts, and others in a variety of settings. Through this experience, she understands that while common evaluation methods can be applied across projects, each client and project has unique strengths, needs, and contexts that affect the evaluation process, from planning through reporting.

She is driven to provide meaningful, honest, timely information in a way that impacts peoples’ perspectives and actions. Ms. Weitzel is the Program Co-Chair of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) 'Use and Influence of Evaluation' group and past Program Co-Chair of AEA's 'Data Visualization and Reporting' group. She also is a member of the United Way ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) Research Advisory Committee, and serves in other volunteer roles to share evaluative perspectives. She regularly presents at national and local conferences about evaluation, grants, and data use. She is most satisfied, though, when she works with people in real-world settings, helping them understand and use data to provide high-quality services.

In addition to her evaluation role, Jessica is proud to be co-owner of a [certified WBE] business! As a mother of daughters and a Girl Scout leader, she knows that women business leaders have an important role to play in guiding the next generation of socially responsible entrepreneurs.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
Grant Professionals Association
New York State Network for Youth Success


• MPH Behavioral Science and Health Education: Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
• BA English: State University of New York at Geneseo

Project Experience

• Community-Based Re-entry Programs
• Community Needs Assessment
• Coordinated School Health
• Dual Language/Two-Way Bilingual Education
• Evaluation Capacity Building
• Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention
• Full-Service Community Schools
• Out-of-School Time Programs
• School Climate
• Reproductive Health Education
• Teacher Training and Development
• Youth Risk Behavior and other Survey analysis and reporting

Formal Training

• Racial Equity Impact Analysis, Scrum Basics for Nonprofits, 2020
• Annie E. Casey Foundation: Results Count Leadership Training, 2017
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Conducting Successful Evaluation Surveys, 2017
• Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness: Cost Analysis for Evaluation in Education, 2016
• American Evaluation Association: Intermediate & Advanced Introduction to GIS in Evaluation eStudy, 2015
• Community Solutions Planning and Evaluation: Program Sustainability Planning, 2014
• American Evaluation Association: Applications of Multiple Regression for Evaluators: Mediation, Moderation, and More, 2013
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Linking Evaluation Questions to Analysis Techniques, 2013
• American Evaluation Association: Data Dashboard Design, 2012
• American Evaluation Association – Centers for Disease Control Summer Evaluation Institute, 2012
• American Evaluation Association: Developmental Evaluation for Beginners eStudy, 2012
• American Evaluation Association: Intermediate Consulting Skills, 2011
• American Evaluation Association: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health and Human Service Programs, 2011
• University at Buffalo: Peer Victimization and Bullying: Research and Prevention Strategies, 2011
• Nonprofit Works: Using Logic Models to Plan Programs and Write Grants, 2011
• Results Based Accountability Training, 2010
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Evaluation Consulting Business Skills, 2009
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Alternative Evaluation Designs, 2009
• The Evaluator’s Institute: The Basics of Program Evaluation, 2007
• American Evaluation Association: Using Systems Tools, 2007
• American Evaluation Association: Using Systems Thinking, 2007


• HIPAA Certification 2023, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2023
• What Works Clearinghouse Group Design Standards Training, 2017
• MVP Security Certification, Security Training, 2016
• NIH Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Human Research Protection Education
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for HIPAA in Research
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Data Security in Research
• Green Security, LLC Clearance


• AEA Annual Conference Sessions, annual
• Grant Professionals Association Annual Conference, semi-annual
• United Way ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) National Summit, 2024
• Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference, 2023
• Collective Impact Action Summit, 2023
• Good Tech Fest, 2023
• AEA: Novel and Fun Ways to Increase Staff and Organizational Evaluation Capacity, 2023
• AEA: Moving from resistance to action: Navigating resistance in service of equity in evaluation, 2022
• AEA: Leadership Matters in Evaluation, 2022
• New York State Network for Youth Success Conference, 2018
• 21st Century Community Learning Centers New York State Conference, 2018
• Promise Neighborhoods/Community Schools Federal Conference, 2017
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2017
• Grant Professionals Association Conference, 2016
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2016
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2015
• Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2015
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2014
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2013
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2012
• American School Health Association Annual Conference, 2012
• New York State Public Health Association Conference, 2012
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2011
• American School Health Association Annual Conference, 2010
• Community-Based Abstinence Education Grant Conference, 2009
• Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health, 2009
• New York State 21st CCLC/ESD Conference, 2009
• New York State 21st CCLC/ESD Conference, 2008
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2007
• New York State 21st CCLC/ESD Conference, 2007


Weitzel, J.A. (scheduled, August 2024). Choose Your Own Adventure: Evaluation Edition. Grant Professional Association webinar.

Weitzel, J.A., Leonard, D. (November 2022). We all Win: Tips for Grant Writer-Evaluator Collaboration. Grant Professionals Association Annual Conference, Louisville, KY.

Weitzel, J.A. (July 2022). Working with a Community Schools Independent Evaluator. Strive Together Network webinar.

Weitzel, J.A. (February 2022). Building Positive Evaluation Partnerships. Grant Professionals Association webinar.

Presentations: Weitzel, J.A., Holbrook, E. (October 2020). Evaluation Planning: Helping Clients Stay on that Yellow Brick Road. Grant Professionals Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

Weitzel, J.A., Battaglia, M. (April 2018). Grant Writing and Evaluation: A Perfect Pair. New York State Network for Youth Success Annual Conference. Saratoga Springs, NY

Weitzel, J.A., Hagstrom, E. (2018, January). Getting More from Your Data. 21st CCLC Rest of State Resource Center’s Conference. Albany, NY.

Weitzel, J.A. (2017, January). Finding and Incorporating Research to Increase Program Effectiveness. Afterschool Network of Western New York Professional Development Training. Buffalo, NY.

Dickinson, H., Weitzel, J.A. (2016, November). Starting with the End in Mind: Write Better Proposals by Increasing Your Knowledge of Evaluation. Annual Conference of the Grant Professionals Association, Atlanta, GA.

Hubbard, P.H., Weitzel, J.A. (2016, October). Scaling up Your Dataviz. American Evaluation Association (AEA) 2016 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Weitzel, J.A., Knetsis, K. (2016, October). Designing Evaluations for State and Federal Program Grants. AEA 2016 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart C. (2016, April). Crafting a Useful Logic Model. 2016 ASW:NYSAN Annual Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Weitzel, J.A., Session Chair. (2015, November). Four Creative Ways to Use Dashboards that You Might Not Have Thought Of. AEA 2015 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart, C. (2015, November). Evaluating “Mature” Programs That Aren’t So Mature: Practical and Ethical Implications. AEA 2015 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart, C. (2015, October). Make Your Data Work for You. Association of New York State Youth Bureaus Annual Youth Development Training Conference, Niagara Falls, NY.

Weitzel, J.A. Moderator. (2015, March). Innovation Webinar: Digital Storytelling. Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) Project Webinar

Weitzel, J.A. (2015, January). Time-Saving Tips and Tricks for Low Cost Data Visualization and Reporting. American Evaluation Association Coffeebreak Webinar Series

Weitzel, J.A. (2014, October). Report Whisperer: Tips and Tricks for Low Cost Visualization and Reporting. American Evaluation Association 2014 Annual Conference, Denver, CO.

Bohen, E., Jackson, K., DeGeorge, K., Weitzel, J.A. (2014, October). PBIS Implementation in a Large Urban District. Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention Coordinator Meeting, Albany, NY.

Weitzel, J.A. (2014, May). Tools for Program Sustainability. Michigan AfterSchool Association Summer Summit, East Lansing, MI.

Taggart, C., Weitzel, J.A. (2013, November). Crafting a Useful Logic Model. Child Care Resource Network Annual Conference, Amherst, NY.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart, C. (2013, October). Don’t Let Your Data be a Doorstop: How to Convey Results for Action. American Evaluation Association 2013 Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Weitzel, J.A., Session Chair. (2013, October). Successes and Challenges of Educational Evaluation and Evaluation Capacity Building Within an International Context: Governments and Schools in Santiago, Chile Propose to Address School Violence Utilizing National and International Educational, Training, and Evaluation Teams. American Evaluation Association 2013 Annual Conference, Washington, DC.

Weitzel, J.A. (2013, August). Using Piktochart to Create Infographics for Evaluation. American Evaluation Association Coffee Break Webinar

Weitzel, J.A., Howard, C. (2012, October). Innovative Tools for Evaluation Project Management. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Weitzel, J.A., Hagstrom, E. (2012, October). Working with New Grantees. Roundtable presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Weitzel, J. A., Taggart, C. (2011, November). Dealing with Sensitive Data in Community-based Settings. Presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California.

Howard, C., Weitzel, J. A. (2011, May). Innovative Tools for Evaluation Project Management. Presentation at the Eastern Evaluation Research Society, Galloway, New Jersey.

Mays, D., Usdan, S., Arriola, KJ, Weitzel, J.A., Bernhardt, J. 2009. Development and Validation of the Retrospective Alcohol Context Scale. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, (35:2), 109-114.

Weitzel, J. A. (2009, May). Using Wireless Handheld Computers and Other Technologies to Reduce the Negative Consequences of Drinking Alcohol. Presentation at the University of New Mexico Community DWI Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Usdan, S., Martin, R.J., Mays, D., Cremeens, J., Jacob-Arriola, K., Aungst-Weitzel, J. & Bernhardt, J. 2008. Self-reported consequences of intoxication among college students: Implications for harm reduction approaches to high-risk drinking. Journal of Drug Education (38:4), 377-387.

Weitzel, J. A., Nochajski, T. H., Coffey, S., Farrell, M. G. 2007. Mental health among suburban drug court participants. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, (33:3), 475-481.

Weitzel, J. A., Bernhardt, J., Usdan, S., Mays, D., Glanz, K. 2007. Using Wireless Handheld Computers and Tailored Text Messaging to Reduce Negative Consequences of Drinking Alcohol. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, (68:4), 534.

Bernhardt, J.M., Usdan, S., Mays, D., Arriola, K.J., McGill, T., Weitzel, J.A., Cremeens, J., Martin, R.J. 2007. Alcohol assessment using wireless handheld computers: A pilot study. Addictive Behaviors (32:12), 3065-3070.

Aungst, J., Nochajski, T.H., and Farrell, M. G. 2006. Assessing mental health in a drug court. [Abstract]. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 30(6), Supplement, P610.

Farrell, M. G., Weitzel, J. A., Nochajski, T. H., Coffey, S. (2006, November). Improving identification and treatment of co-occurring substance abuse and mental illness in therapeutic justice courts. Poster presentation at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Substance Abuse Policy and Research Project Annual Meeting, Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Farrell, M. G., Weitzel, J. A., Nochajski, T. H. (2006, November). Extending the Therapeutic Justice Model to problem gamblers. Poster presentation at the 2006 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Boston, MA.

Aungst, J., Nochajski, T. H., Farrell, M. G. (2006, June). Assessing mental health in a drug court. Poster presentation at the 29thAnnual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore, MD.

Koski, G., Aungst, J., Kupersmith, J., Getz, K., Rimoin, D. 2005. Cooperative research ethics review boards—a win-win solution? IRB: Ethics and Human Research, 27(3), 1–7.

Farrell, M. G., Nochajski, T. H., Aungst, J. (2005, November). Characteristics of drug court participants with additional mental health problems. Poster presentation at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Substance Abuse Policy and Research Project Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona.

Aungst, J., Bernhardt, J. M., Usdan, S., Mays, D., Glanz, K. (2005, December). Using wireless handheld computers to reduce the negative consequences of drinking alcohol. Oral presentation at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Usdan, S., Aungst, J., Cremeens, J., Martin, R. J., Bernhardt, J. M. (2005, December). Context and consequences of heavy drinking among college students: Results from a series of undergraduate focus groups. Poster presentation at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Bernhardt, J. M., Usdan, S., Mays, D., Aungst, J., Cremeens, J., Martin, R.. (2005, December). Improving alcohol assessment with wireless handheld computers. Poster presentation at the 2005 Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, Philadelphia, PA.

Aungst, J., Haas, A., Ommaya, A., Green, L., Eds. IOM. 2003. Exploring Challenges, Progress, and New Models for Engaging the Public in the Clinical Research Enterprise: Workshop Summary. Washington, DC: Nat. Academies Press.

CEO & Co-Owner

Komani Lundquist Cedano

Meet Komani (pronounced "go-mah-knee"), the CEO and Co-owner of Via Evaluation. Since joining the team as an administrative assistant in 2008, Komani has leveraged her expertise in Organizational Development, Administration, Finance, Leadership, and Executive Coaching to advance her career and become a partner and co-owner in 2017.
As the leader at Via Evaluation, Komani manages client accounts, human resources, administrative staff, finances, company strategy, and marketing. Her hands-on approach and responsiveness to clients' needs make her an expert in the field. Komani also participates in development processes and leads the executive committee in various company initiatives. She is passionate about applying her Organizational Development knowledge to support clients and has facilitated training and strategic planning efforts.
In addition to her role at Via Evaluation, Komani serves as the Treasurer of the Western New York and Finger Lakes Chapter of the Grant Professionals Association (GPA) and is a member of the SUNY Erie Business Advisory Board. She has received several certifications, including Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and 'Behavioral Analyst' for the DISC behavioral profiling system.
In 2021, Komani launched a monthly virtual roundtable discussion called "Building Your Consulting Business" to support entrepreneurs and business owners in their journey of building their businesses. Her passion for helping others achieve their desired outcomes is a testament to her experience and skillset.
At Via Evaluation, we understand the importance of work-life balance, and Komani leads by example. When she's not making waves in the evaluation industry, you'll find her hitting the slopes or spending quality time with her children and friends.
At Via Evaluation, we're all about being expert, timely, and responsive to our clients' needs. Let Komani and the team help your organization achieve its desired outcomes.

Professional Membership(s)

Grant Professionals Association
Society for Human Resource Management
Buffalo Niagara Human Resource Association
American Evaluation Association
Organizational Development Network of Western New York

Current Interests

• Marketing VIA at conferences nationwide
• Leading the Via Evaluation team to fulfill long term goals
• The continual growth and development of Via Evaluation

Formal Training

• SUNY at Buffalo School of Management Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Mastery Forum, Current
• United Way Board Leadership Training, 2014
• United Way of Buffalo and Erie County: Business Planning for Non Profits, 2013
• SUNY at Buffalo School of Social Work, Solution-Focused Leadership, Fall 2012
• SUNY at Buffalo School of Management Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Leadership Development Program, Fall 2011
• Saeli & Tollner, P.C., Employment Law Seminar, Spring 2010, Fall 2010
• Saeli & Tollner, P.C., Employment Law Seminar, 2008


• HIPPA Certification 2020, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2020
• Notary Public for the State of New York, 2010, 2014, 2018
• MVP Security Certification, Security Training, 2016
• NYS Education Department Fingerprinting, 2016
• Green Security, LLC Clearance, 2016
• Professional in Human Resources (PHR), 2013
• Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst (CPBA), 2013
• I. R. B. for Human Participants Protection Education for Research for Social and Behavioral • Sciences Institutional Review, 2009
• NHWI, Certified Healthy Workforce Coordinator, 2009


• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2022
• Grant Professionals Association Conference, 2022
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2021
• Grant Professionals Association Conference, 2021
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2020
• Grant Professionals Association Conference, 2018
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2018
• New York State Network for Youth Success, 2018
• National Grants Management Association Conference, 2017
• New York State Network for Youth Success, 2017
• PA Department of Education Training, 2017
• National Association for Bilingual Education: Transformative Leadership in Dual Language Education, 2017
• Grant Professionals Association Conference, 2016
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2016
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2015
• NYS SHRM Conference, 2014
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2014
• NYSCSS, the After School Experience, 2008


Komani Lundquist, Elena Harmon (Vantage Evaluation), Taj Carson (Inciter), Kirk Knetsis (Inciter, formerly Hezel & Associates) (2018, October) “Game Changers: Lessons from "Small Evaluation Firms” American Evaluation Association (AEA) 2018 Annual Conference.
Komani Lundquist "Building your Consulting Business - Monthly FAQ + Discuss".
"Valuing Your Business Services” American Evaluation Association (AEA) 2022 Annual Conference.
Komani Lundquist (2016, October). Best Practices for Employing Working Parents. WNY WBASNY Working Parents Committee, Buffalo, NY.

Research Associate

Katie Badeau, LMSW

Katie Badeau joined the VIA Evaluation team as a Research Associate in 2023. She holds a B.S. in Social Work from Indiana Wesleyan University and a M.S.W. from the University at Buffalo. Katie has an extensive background in direct client care, serving a variety of client populations, including older adults, individuals living with a chronic disease, family caregivers, resettled refugees, and children in the foster care system.

Before joining VIA, Katie worked in program management and grant administration as the Director of Care & Support at the Alzheimer’s Association, WNY Chapter for eight years. Through this experience, she developed her skills in capacity building, data collection, meaningful reporting and data analysis.

Katie is driven by the belief that quality information can directly improve communities and the lives of individuals. She is passionate about using her knowledge and skills to empower organizations to strategically increase their impact.

Katie is a licensed master social worker and serves as a Community Advisory Board Member for Daemen University’s BSW & MSW programs. Outside of work, she enjoys reading, gardening and spending time with her husband, cat, and dog.

Professional Membership

American Evaluation Association


B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University
M.S.W, State University of New York at Buffalo


• PHRP Certification, Protecting Human Research Participants Training, 2023
• HIPAA Certification, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2023
• Licensed Master Social Worker, New York State Department of Education, 2016-Present

Research Associate

Mary Baier

Mary joined VIA in 2022. She received her B.S. in Business from Buffalo State College and her A.B.A. from Erie County Community College. She came to VIA with four years of 21st CCLC programming experience.

Before joining VIA, Mary worked as a 21st Century Community Learning Program Director and Site Coordinator for over four years. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time outdoors with her husband and daughter.


B.S. Business: Buffalo State College
A.B.A: Erie County Community College


• HIPPA and PHRP Certification 2023, 2023 Cyber Security Training
• I.R.B. Certification for Human Subject Research, 2021


• 2023 21st CCLC School's Out, Make it Count Spring Conference
• 2023 21st CCLC ROS Fall Conference

Evaluation Project Manager

Shontay Barnes, MA

Shontay joined the Via Evaluation team as a research associate in 2019. She was promoted to Evaluation Project Manager in 2022, through various professional development opportunities. Many of her current projects are in treatment courts and reentry programs, due to her interest in criminal justice reform. Additionally, she works with projects that involve providing resources within the community through recreation, wellness, and social-emotional programming.

During her graduate and undergraduate studies, Shontay sought opportunities to learn more about the criminal justice system through internships with the Buffalo COURTS Program and Erie County Forensic Mental Health Services. She also worked in multiple research labs on personality disorders, psychopathology, and adolescent development. The populations she studied included clinical patients, adolescents in the community and current dental students, all in environments where she directly interacted with research participants.

To continue developing her evaluation skills and best practices of justice-involved populations, Shontay participates in American Evaluation Association, NY Association of Treatment Court Professionals, and National Association of Drug Court Professionals continual learning. To learn more about her local community, Shontay also took part in Rising Leaders class of 2022 Leadership Buffalo and continues to contribute as a class chair.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
Leadership Buffalo, Rising Leaders Class of 2022 Graduate & Class Chair
New York Association of Treatment Court Professionals
National Association of Drug Court Professionals


MA Psychology: State University of New York at Buffalo,
BA Psychology and Health & Human Services: State University of New York at Buffalo,


• HIPPA Certification 2020, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2020
• NYS Education Department Fingerprinting, current
• American Evaluation Association Workshop: Collaborative Mapping, 2019
• American Evaluation Association Workshop: Strategies for Evaluating Programs That Serve Youth, 2019
• American Evaluation Association Workshop: Evaluative Thinking, 2019
• MVP PII Protec Security Training, 2019
• I.R.B. for Human Participants Protection Education for Research for Social and Behavioral Sciences Institutional Review, present
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Conflicts of Interest, 2017
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Social and Behavioral Research Investigators, 2017
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Social and Behavioral Responsible Conduct of Research, 2017


Wells, M., Creighton, P., Barnes, S., Zemer, J. (2018, June). Dental Students’ Exposure to Patients with Disabilities in Community Outreach Programs. Poster session presented at the 5th Annual American Academy of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry Conference, Seattle, WA.
Barnes, S.B., Colder, C.R., Read, J.P. (2017, June). Parenting Anxious Children: A Moderational-Mediational Pathway to Adolescent Alcohol Use. Poster session at the 40th Annual Research Society on Alcoholism Scientific Meeting, Denver, CO.
Barnes, S.B., Calabrese, W.R., Simms, L.J. (2015, April). Assessing Self-Other Agreement of the Informant-Report Form of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5. Poster session presented at the 11th Annual Celebration for Student Academic Excellence, Buffalo, NY.
Barnes, S.B., Calabrese, W.R., Simms, L.J. (2015, April). Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Informant-Report Form of the Personality Inventory for DSM-5. PowerPoint session presented at the 1st Annual SUNY Undergraduate Research Conference, Brockport, NY.


• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2020
• NYATCP Conference - Treatment Courts: Zooming into the Future

Marketing & Communications Specialist

Raiah Brown, MS

Raiah Brown joined Via Evaluation in 2020 as a Marketing and Communications Specialist. Raiah was eager to work for an organization that contributes to the success of its community like VIA does.

Raiah’s role includes using marketing and public relations strategies to drive VIA’s strong core values and reputation. Raiah is responsible for developing and overseeing internal and external communication, including social media, material development, data visualization, proposal development and media/P.R. outreach, to help VIA continue to be a trusted leader in evaluation, research, and consulting.

Prior to joining the VIA team, Raiah held various communications roles and internships within the non-profit and education sectors, including and most recently, working as a Public Relations intern at the Ronald McDonald House Charities and as a Researcher’s Assistant at Syracuse University. She has also served as an Alumni Engagement Intern at Medaille College and as a a Public Health Associate at Roswell Park.

Outside of work, Raiah enjoys traveling, spending time with friends and family, practicing Portuguese, and roller skating.

Raiah received a Public Relations MS from the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, at Syracuse University and a Communication BS from Medaille College, in Buffalo, NY.

Professional Membership(s)

Public Relations Society of America (PRSA)


BS, Communication, Medaille University (Medaille College)
MS, Public Relations, Newhouse, Syracuse University


• HIPPA Certification 2020, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2020
• Human Subjects Research (CITI), 2020
• PR Council’s Agency-Ready Certificate, 2020
• PESO Model Certified (Spin Sucks), 2020
• Mimic Social Certified, 2020
• Social Media Certified (HubSpot), 2019
• Google Analytics for Beginners Certified, 2019

Finance & Human Resource Administrator

Jennifer Duer, MBA

Jennifer Duer is a versatile and accomplished human resources professional with over 23 years of experience in various aspects of HR and talent acquisition. At VIA, she is responsible for managing human resources, talent acquisition, payroll, accounts receivable and accounts payable functions for our growing program evaluation company. She also supports the team and leadership with organization development and project management initiatives. Jennifer holds an MBA in HR and has extensive knowledge of federal contracting regulations and best practices. Jenn lives in Cheektowaga, NY with her husband and three teenagers, two rescue dogs, and a budgie named Mango. She enjoys reading, walking, and volunteering in her spare time.

Professional Membership(s)

Society for Human Resource Management
American Payroll Association (APA)


Bachelor of Science in Management Science and Spanish, State University College of New York – Geneseo, NY
Master of Business Administration, Human Resources, Argosy University – Sarasota, FL


• HIPAA Certification 2023, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2023

Administrative Assistant

K Gorny

K joined the VIA Team in April of 2022. Their role includes overseeing internal data systems and providing support to the Administrative and Evaluation teams. A professional stage manager in the Buffalo area, K is passionate about organization and ensuring everyone has what they need to succeed. They specialize in creating and maintaining systems to keep everyday affairs running smoothly.

Outside of work, K enjoys reading, baking, and solving puzzles.


BFA Theatre Design/Production; Computer & Statistical Analysis (Minor), Niagara University


• Notary Public for the State of New York, 2022
• HIPAA Certification 2023, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2023
• HIPAA Certification 2022, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2022

Senior Project Director

Emily Hagstrom, MS Ed

Meet Mrs. Hagstrom, a member of the Via Evaluation team since 2009. Emily is all about after-school programs and knows them inside out. You'll often spot her at local gatherings and conferences, where she shares her wisdom and connects with fellow enthusiasts. With over 15 years of experience working with 21st Century Community Learning Center (CCLC) grants, she's become our go-to guru for this grant line.

Beyond VIA, Emily is also a member of esteemed organizations such as the New York State Network for Youth Success, the National Afterschool Association, and the American Evaluation Association. Through her involvement in these networks, she stays abreast of the latest trends, research, and advancements in after-school programming, allowing her to continuously enhance her expertise and deliver exceptional outcomes for our clients.

She has successfully navigated the complexities of CCLC grants, consistently delivering exceptional results for our clients. Her deep understanding of the requirements, regulations, and best practices surrounding these grants enables her to provide invaluable support and strategic advice to organizations seeking funding for after-school programs. Her dedication to building strong relationships with our clients is what she finds most rewarding in her role.

With Mrs. Hagstrom's wealth of experience, infectious enthusiasm, and knack for creating impactful after-school programs, she's a force to be reckoned with. Count on her to bring a fresh perspective, foster meaningful connections, and make a positive impact on the lives of children.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
National AfterSchool Association
AfterSchool Works New York


• MS Ed Adolescent Education: Saint Bonaventure University
• BA Spanish: Saint Bonaventure University

Project Experience

• 21st Century Community Learning Centers
• Arts in Education
• Community Schools Improvement
• Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention (ESD/SVP)
• McKinney-Vento
• Virtual AP
• Learning Technology Grants
• Program Development Grant to Prepare Students with Disabilities to Exit School with Work Readiness Skills
• Regional Bilingual Education Resource Network


• Statewide 21st CCLC Kick Off, 2020
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2020
• National AfterSchool Association Conference, 2016
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2016
• National AfterSchool Association Conference, 2015
• Beyond School Hours Conference, 2015
• National AfterSchool Association Conference, 2014
• Beyond School Hours Conference, 2013
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2012
• 21st CCLC Summer Institute, 2012
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2010
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2009
• New York State 21st CCLC/ESD Conference, 2009

Formal Training

• The Evaluator’s Institute: Making Evaluation Data Actionable, 2012
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Introduction to Cost-Benefit and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis, 2011
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Professional Standards and Principles for Evaluation Practice, 2011
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Policy Evaluation and Analysis, 2010
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Management for Evaluators and Those with Oversight Responsibility, 2010
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Working with Evaluator Stakeholders, 2009
• The Evaluator’s Institute: The Basics of Program Evaluation, 2009


• HIPPA Certification 2020, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2020
• NIH Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams, 2009
• NYS Teaching Certificate in Spanish, Grades 7-12
• Green Security, LLC Clearance


Emily E. Hagstrom and Jessica A. Weitzel. “Getting More from Your Data” Presented at the 21st CCLC Rest of State Resource Center's Conferences: Albany, NY, January and June 2018.

Emily E. Hagstrom and Kim Luce “No Gym, No Problem!” Presented at the National AfterSchool Association Conference: Orlando, FL, March 2016

Emily E. Hagstrom “Ask an Evaluator” Presented at the National AfterSchool Association Conference: Washington DC, March 2015

Emily E. Hagstrom and Christine E. B. Howard. “What is Evaluation and Why Should You Care?” Presented to the Organizational Development Network of Western New York: Amherst, New York, May 2013.

Emily E. Hagstrom and Jessica A. Wetizel (2012, October). "Working with New Grantees" Roundtable presentation at the American Evaluation Association National Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 2012.

Emily E. Hagstrom and Caroline A. Taggart. “Using Site Visits to Improve Programs” Presented at the American Evaluation Association National Conference: San Antonio, Texas, November 2010.

Evaluation Team Manager

Amy Puca, MS, MA

Connect with Amy on LinkedIn!

Amy Puca is a highly skilled and accomplished Evaluation Team Manager who currently serves in a leadership capacity at a small, women-owned evaluation consulting firm in Buffalo, New York. With a strong track record of success in the field of program evaluation, Amy is a natural leader who excels at inspiring and motivating her team to achieve their goals and deliver outstanding results.

One of Amy's greatest strengths as a manager is her ability to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with her colleagues and clients alike. She is known for her exceptional interpersonal skills, which allow her to collaborate effectively with collaborators at all levels of an organization. Whether she is managing a complex evaluation project or leading a team of professionals, Amy is always focused on delivering the highest level of service and exceeding her clients' expectations.

Amy meets weekly with the team to communicate big ideas and announcements from leadership, support the team in coordinating the completion of a variety of project tasks, encourage teamwork and collaboration, and provide needed training and support to the team. Amy also meets bi-weekly with each member of the team to provide tailored support and foster continual growth and development.

In addition to her leadership skills, Amy is deeply committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of her work and personal life. She is a strong and passionate ally of the LGBTQ+ community. She currently serves as a GLYS Family Support Helpline Volunteer. She also serves as Co-Chair and the Head of Governance on the UPward Design for Life Board of Directors, an organization that serves a variety of vulnerable populations, including domestic violence survivors, individuals who are refugees, individuals transitioning from homeless shelters, children, veterans, individuals with physical and developmental disabilities and mental disorders, and young adults aging out of foster care. Amy is dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of these individuals and helping them to achieve their full potential.

Overall, Amy Puca is an exceptional leader who brings a wealth of experience, expertise, and passion to her role as Evaluation Team Manager. Whether she is working with clients, colleagues, or community partners, Amy is always dedicated to achieving the best possible outcomes and making a positive impact in the world.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
Eastern Evaluation Research Society


• MA Psychology in Education: Clinical Psychology: Teachers College at Columbia University
• MS Secondary Mathematics Education: The City College of New York
• BS Honors Psychology: Wayne State University

Project Experience

• 21st Century Community Learning Center
• Classroom Observations
• Community Needs Assessment
• Community Schools Grant Initiative
• Comprehensive Abstinence Education Grant Program
• Corporation for National and Community Service (AmeriCorps)
• Data Consultation/Database Creation
• Department of Defense Education Activity Educational Partnership Program
• Department of Health and Human Services: Sexual Risk Avoidance Education, Comprehensive Abstinence Education
• Elementary and Secondary School Counseling
• Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention
• Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Grant
• Journey Mapping
• Logic Modeling
• Mental Health Service Professional Demonstration Grant
• Math and Science Partnership Program
• My Brother’s Keeper Family and Community Engagement Program
• National Science Foundation: Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program
Needs Assessment
• Program Development Grant to Prepare Students with Disabilities to Exit School with Work Readiness Skills
• School District Attendance Analysis
• School District Discipline Analysis
• School District Performance Improvement
• Youth Risk Behavior Survey


• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2018
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2016
• National PBIS Leadership Forum, 2015
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2015
• Eastern Evaluation Research Society Annual Conference, 2015
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2014
• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2013
• 21st Century Community Learning Centers State Conference, 2013

Formal Training

• The Evaluators’ Institute: Introduction to Chat GPT4 for Evaluation and Evaluation Capacity Building, 2023
• Racial Equity Impact Analysis Training and Follow-Up Coaching, Race Matters Institute, 2020-2021
• AEA: Evaluating PK-12 Professional Learning Communities: An Improvement Science Perspective, 2018
• AEA: Using Evidence to Scale Up Community-Based Solutions that Work: A Federal Agency’s Framework and Approach, 2018
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Evaluating Training Programs: Frameworks and Fundamentals, 2018
• AEA: Beyond Capacity Building-Utilizing Evaluation for Organizational Success, 2015
• AEA: Meaningful Evaluation in the Context of Schools, 2015
• PBIS: Using TFI Fidelity Data & School Climate Data to Build PBIS Implementation Plans, 2015
• National Center for School Engagement-Evaluating Your Truancy Reduction Program, 2014
• AEA: Nonparametric Statistics, 2014
• AEA: Classroom Observation and Participatory Evaluation, 2014
• AEA: Using Extended Program Models (EPM) and Expanded Logic Models (ELM) to Integrate Complex Systems and Program Theories in Teacher Professional Development Evaluation, 2014
• 21st Century Community Learning Centers State Conference, 2013
• AEA: Working with Programs to Develop Effective Systems for Collecting Implementation Data, 2013
• AEA: Visualizing Process: How to Create a Stakeholder-friendly Graphic Timeline of Process Data, 2013
• Bullying in Your Community Training: Policies, Prevention, and Intervention, Pace Women’s Justice Center in conjunction with Tri-County Training Collaborative, 2012
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Applied Measurement for Evaluation, 2012


• University at Buffalo Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership’s Key Persons Leadership Development Certificate, 2022
• HIPPA Certification 2023, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2023
• Mental Health First Aid USA Certificate, 2020
• NYS Education Department Fingerprinting
• New York State 5-12 Secondary Mathematics Teacher Certification, 2007
• College of Reading and Learning Association Level One Certification, 2003
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Human Research Protection Education
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for HIPAA in Research
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification for Data Security in Research
• National Institute of Health (NIH) IRB Certification for Protection of Human Research Participants
• Green Security, LLC Clearance


Puca, A. (2021, August). Ask an Evaluator. Grant Professionals Association Webinar.

Puca, A. (2018, October). Conducting Meaningful Classroom Observations. American Evaluation Association 2018 Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Puca, A. (2016, October). Getting to Analysis: Developing Stakeholder Buy-In in the Data Collection Process! American Evaluation Association 2016 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Puca, A. (2016, October). Take a Deep Breath-Baby Steps to Evaluation Capacity Building! American Evaluation Association 2016 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Puca, A. (2016, October). Promoting Quality in Early Childhood Programs. Child Care Resource Network 2016 Annual Conference, Williamsville, NY.

Puca, A. (2015, April). Meeting Stakeholders Where They Are: Increasing Stakeholder Buy-in and Getting the Data You Need! Eastern Evaluation Research Society 2015 Annual Conference, Galloway, NJ.

Senior Project Manager

Deb Spearing, Ph.D.

Deb joined VIA in the midst of the Global Pandemic to support the adaptation of our strategic plan and accelerate our ability to adapt to meet client need.

Deb is excited to join VIA and apply her skills in organizational psychology and talent management to guide implementation of critical pieces of the company strategic plan. She loves helping organizations make sure they are giving employees every opportunity to do their best work.

Deb’s educational experience in Industrial/Organizational Psychology has offered her a well-developed understanding of data-driven organizational effectiveness. She also is an expert in Organizational Development, workforce analysis, change management, recruitment & selection, training, higher education administration, and institutional research. She has conducted a wide variety of organizational needs analyses and is familiar with a variety of applied performance metrics.

Eastern Evaluation Research Society Conference, 2021

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
Society for Human Resource Management


Doctor of Philosophy, Business Psychology, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology – Chicago, IL, 2015
Dissertation: The Influence of Motives and Motive Fulfillment on Volunteer Board Member Performance
Master of Arts, Psychology, Medaille College – Buffalo, NY
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology Alfred University – Alfred, NY


SHRM-Certified Professional
• HIPPA Certification 2020, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2020

Select Publications

Atlas, G.D., Taggart, T., & Goodell, D.J. 2004. The effects of sensitivity to criticism on motivation and performance in
music students, The British Journal of Music Education, 21, 81-87.

Abrardo, J., Atlas, G.D. Goodell, D.J, & Martin, M. An investigation of perceptual bias in the Kobe Bryant case,
Poster presented at the 113th APA National Convention, 2005.

Goodell, D.J. & Martin, M. The effects of varied musical interference on cognitive ability, Poster presented at the
Alfred University Undergraduate Research Forum, 2004.

Senior Project Director, Strategy Specialist

Caroline Taggart, MPH

Meet Caroline Taggart, a dedicated professional passionate about helping organizations achieve their goals through strategic planning and evaluation. With a diverse background that includes teaching, directing research projects, and working in communities, Caroline brings a unique perspective to her role at Via Evaluation.

Caroline's journey began with several years as a middle school teacher, followed by several years of work in research settings. This experience fueled her desire to bridge the gap between rigorous research methodology and practical implementation in schools and communities. In pursuit of this goal, Caroline joined Via Evaluation.

Her portfolio encompasses a range of evaluation projects, including US Department of Education Promise Neighborhoods and School Climate Transformation Grants, Department of Defense Education Activity initiatives, and SAMHSA Medication Assisted Treatment and Mental Health Awareness grants. In addition, Caroline manages special projects including Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey analyses and reporting, conducting school attendance analyses, performing Community Needs Assessments, and developing program and organizational Logic Models and Theories of Change. While Caroline is well-versed in quantitative methodology, she also possesses a deep appreciation for qualitative research methods.

Caroline's educational background includes a BA in English from Barnard College and a Master's of Public Health from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, in addition to a secondary English Language Arts teaching certificate. During her time at UNC, she was awarded the Robert E. Bryan Fellowship for Community Service research and a US Department of Education Foreign Language Area Studies Scholarship. To continually enhance her evaluation skills, Caroline actively participates in professional development courses offered by The Evaluator's Institute, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/American Evaluation Association's Annual Summer Institute, and the American Evaluation Association.

Caroline is a member of the American Evaluation Association, the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, and the American Public Health Association, and serves on the Tapestry Charter School Board of Trustees and the Compeer Mental Health Advisory Committee. Her dedication to professional growth and involvement in her local community demonstrate her commitment to making a positive impact.

With Caroline's extensive knowledge, genuine passion for her work, and ability to bridge the gap between research methodology and practical implementation, she is an invaluable asset to any organization seeking comprehensive evaluation strategies and solutions.

Let Caroline Taggart help your organization unlock its full potential and achieve success through strategic planning and evaluation.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
American Public Health Association
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness


• MPH Health Behavior and Health Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2006
• Louisiana Teaching Certification, Secondary English Language Arts, The New Teacher Project, 2003
• BA English and Psychology: Barnard College, Columbia University, 2001

Recent Project Experience

• 21st Century Community Learning Center
• Arts Integration Initiative
• Department of Defense Education Activity
• Elementary and Secondary Counseling
• Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention
• Full-Service Community Schools
• Healing Centered Schools
• Promise Neighborhoods
• Community Approaches to Reducing STIs
• Medication Assisted Treatment to Opioid Use Disorder
• Optimally Changing the Map on Teen Pregnancy Prevention
• Teen Pregnancy Prevention Tier IB
• Medical Legal Partnership project
• NYS Unified Court System Alcohol and Drug Treatment Court
• NYS Unified Court System Human Trafficking Intervention Court
• Criteria Schools Admissions Scoring and Ranking
• Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey Analysis and Reporting

Formal Training

• American Evaluation Association: Adding Costs to Help Your Evaluation Get Used: Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Benefit Analyses for Health and Human Services, 2020
• Perconter: Building a Student At-Risk Prediction Model, 2017
• American Evaluation Association e-Study: Monitoring and Evaluation Planning for Programs, 2017
• The Evaluator’s Institute: Linking Evaluation Questions to Analysis Techniques, 2013
• American Evaluation Association: Utilization-Focused Evaluation, 2011
• The Evaluators’ Institute: Design and Administration of Internet, Mail and Mixed-Mode Surveys, 2011
• American Evaluation Association: Determining Effect Size in Evaluation, 2010
• American Evaluation Association: Quantitative Methods for Evaluation, 2010
• The Evaluators’ Institute: Using Non-Experimental Designs for Impact Evaluation, 2010
• American Evaluation Association and Centers for Disease Control: Summer Training Institute, 2010


• HIPPA Certification, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training
• What Works Clearinghouse Group Design Standards Training
• MVP Security Certification, Security Training
• NIH Human Participants Protection Education for Research Teams
• CITI Social/Behavioral Research Program in the Protection of Human Research Subjects
• Green Security, LLC Clearance

Recent Conferences

• Collective Impact Action Summit, 2021, 2022.
• New York Association of Treatment Court Professionals Annual Conference, 2021.
• American Public Health Association (APHA) 2021, 2020, 2017.
• American Evaluation Association Conference, 2021, 2019, 2013 – 2018.
• Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness Annual Conference, 2021, 2014 – 2018.
• American Education and Finance Policy (AEFP) 43rd Annual Conference, 2018.
• Global Implementation Conference, 2017.


Taggart, C., Evaluation and measuring program effectiveness and outcomes. Presented at United Way of Buffalo & Erie County Board Leadership Training, annually 2016-2023.

Taggart, C., Hazelwood, A., Equity in Evaluation and Funding. Presented to the New York Funders Alliance, December 2021 and January 2022.

Weiss, A., Taggart, C., How to build a learning culture: Creating an Organizational Theory of Change for Better Evaluation. Presented to Council of New Jersey Grantmakers, March 2021.

Senter, L., Taggart, C., Middleton, D., Martin, S., Applying a collective impact framework to dramatically reduce teen pregnancy rates in Buffalo, New York: evaluating a collaborative approach to implementing systems-level changes and evidence-based interventions. Presented at the 10th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health, Arlington, VA, December 2021.

Taggart, C., Senter, L., Middleton, D., Martin, S., Drayton, M., HOPE Buffalo Initiative: Integrating the Collective Impact Framework to Guide a Countywide Cross-sector Collaboration to Reduce Buffalo’s Teen Pregnancy Rate. Presented at APHA 2017 Annual Meeting & Expo, Atlanta, GA.

Taggart, C., Hubbard, P., Survey Reports Simplified. Presented at AEA 2016 Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart, C., Evaluating “Mature” Programs That Aren’t So Mature: Practical and Ethical Implications. Presented at AEA 2015 Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart, C., Make Your Data Work for You. Presented at Association of New York State Youth Bureaus Annual Youth Development Training Conference, Niagara Falls, NY, October 2015.

Taggart, C., Alvarez, C., Maximizing Impact through Program Monitoring and Evaluation. Presented at Association of NY State Youth Bureaus Annual Youth Development Training Conference, Niagara Falls, NY, October 2015.

Taggart, C., Program Monitoring and Evaluation. Presented to United Way of Buffalo and Erie County Board Member Training. Buffalo, NY, May 2015.

Parks, K.A., Hsieh, Y., Taggart, C., Bradizza, C.M. 2014., A Longitudinal Analysis of Drinking and Victimization in College Women: Is There a Reciprocal Relationship? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, (28:4), 943-951.

Weitzel, J.A., Taggart, C., Strategies for Effective Reporting. Presented at the American Evaluation Association’s Evaluation 2013 Annual Meeting: Washington, D.C.

Taggart, C., Alvarez, C., Closing the Gap: Partnering to Improve School Climate, Access to Mental Health Services, and Student Outcomes. Presented at the Annual Conference on Advancing School Mental Health: Washington, D.C., October 2013.

Taggart, C. Weitzel, J.A., Dealing with Sensitive Data in Community-Based Organization Settings. Presented at the American Evaluation Association’s Evaluation 2011 Annual Meeting: Anaheim, CA.

Taggart, C., Hagstrom, E., Using Site Visits to Improve Programs. Presented at the American Evaluation Association’s Evaluation 2010 Annual Meeting: San Antonio, TX, November 2010

Taggart, C. A., Abdullah-Rufai, A., Barriers to reproductive health care among Muslim immigrants in the Triangle area: A qualitative exploration. Accepted for presentation at American Public Health Association Annual Meeting: Philadelphia, PA, November 2009.

Taggart, C. A., Parks, K.A., Levonyan-Radloff, K., Hequembourg, A., A Qualitative Comparison of Alcohol and Non-Alcohol Involved Sexual Aggression in a Sample of College Women. Presented at Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting: San Diego, California, June 2009.

Parks, K.A., Levonyan-Radloff, K., Collins, L., Taggart, C. A., A Qualitative Analysis of Risky Sexual Events Reported by a Sample of Young Women Bar Drinkers. Presented at Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Meeting: San Diego, California, June 2009.

Senior Research Associate

Rebekah Thomas, BA, MA

Rebekah Thomas joined the Via Evaluation team in 2020. She holds a B.A. in History from Houghton University (formerly, Houghton College) and an M.A. in History from the University at Buffalo. Since moving to Buffalo in 2015, Rebekah has worked and volunteered for multiple community-based organizations focused on providing equitable access to education, reforming the criminal justice system, and supporting youth in foster care.

As a graduate student, Rebekah served as an AmeriCorps ABLE member at Upward Bound at D’Youville College, where she taught classes in college preparation and financial literacy and tutored students who were preparing for the U.S. History and Government and Global History Regents Examinations. During this time, she also worked as an academic tutor at an innovative college program designed specifically for English language learners.

After completing her master’s degree, Rebekah spent a year working for the New York Campaign for Alternatives to Isolated Confinement, where she educated community members about the use of solitary confinement in New York State and advocated for the passage of the Humane Alternatives to Long-Term Solitary Confinement Act. Her burgeoning interest in criminal justice reform led her to take a position first as the coordinator and later the director of an Associate of Arts degree program for justice-involved students. In addition to administering the program, she taught a variety of courses in history and political science there.

In 2020, Rebekah’s passion for equitable access to education and criminal justice reform led her to co-edit a volume of best practices for college-in-prison programs and for institutions of higher education seeking to serve returning citizens more effectively. She continues to provide advice and support to new and emerging college-in-prison programs.

In her spare time, Rebekah serves as a board member at Homespace, an organization that supports youth in foster care and their children by providing housing, programming focused on developing independent-living skills, and clinical services.

At Via, Rebekah enjoys using her background in education, criminal justice, qualitative research, and writing to serve our clients.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Theta Kappa


MA History: State University of New York at Buffalo
Credential of Readiness: Harvard Business School
BA History: Houghton College (now Houghton University)
AA: Schenectady County Community College


• HIPPA Certification 2023, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2023
• Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification
• Credential of Readiness, Harvard Business School Online

Project Experience

• 21st Century Community Learning Centers (New York State Education Department)
• AmeriCorps Competitive Pool (New York State Office of Children and Family Services)
• AmeriCorps Formula Pool (New York State Office of Children and Family Services)
• Victims’ Legal Assistance (New York State Office of Victim Services)
• Full-Service Community Schools (U.S. Department of Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education)
• Advancing Equity in Adolescent Health Through Evidence-Based Teen Pregnancy Prevention Programs and Services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs)
• Optimally Changing the Map for Teen Pregnancy (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Population Affairs)
• Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families)
• Adult Drug Court Discretionary Grant Program (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance)
• Family Drug Court Program (U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)
• Second Chance Act: Adult Reentry Education, Employment, Treatment, and Recovery Program (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance)
• Second Chance Act: Youth Offenders Reentry Program (U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention)
• STOP School Violence Program (U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance)
• Classroom Observations
• Community Needs Assessments
• Evaluation Capacity Building
• Focus Groups
• Key Informant Interviews
• Logic Modeling
• Survey Design and Analysis
• Theories of Change


• American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, 2020, 2021, 2022
• Collective Impact Action Summit, 2021

Formal Training

• Co-Creating a More Diverse, Equitable, and Inclusive World with Appreciative Inquiry, Spaciousness Works, 2022
• Data Storytelling, EnCompass Learning Center, 2022
• Complex Documents in Microsoft Word, Training, 2021
• Using Interviews to Enhance Evaluation Practice, EnCompass Learning Center, 2021
• Mental Health First Aid for Adults, Compeer of Greater Buffalo, 2020
• Microsoft Power BI – Up & Running with Power BI Desktop, Udemy online course, 2020
• Quantitative Evaluation Data: 12 Steps for Organizing and Cleaning, American Evaluation Association, 2020
• Racial Equity Impact Analysis Training, Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo and JustPartners, Inc., 2020
• You Built It. Why Won’t They Come? Evaluation Capacity Building, American Evaluation Association, 2020


• HIPAA Security and Privacy Training, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
• I.R.B Certification for Human Subject Research, 2020, 2022


• Kimble, R. (April 2021). Ending Mass Incarceration: A Bipartisan Way Forward. Canisius College, Race, Law, and Politics. Buffalo, NY.
• McMay, D. V. and Kimble, R. D. (Eds.). (March 2020). Higher Education Accessibility Behind and Beyond Prison Walls. IGI Global.
• Kimble, R., McEachon, C. (June 2018). Reducing Recidivism One Degree at a Time. Rose Bente Lee Ostapenko Center for Race, Equality, and Mission. Niagara Falls, NY.
• Kimble, R. (April 2018). Increasing Access to Higher Education for Returning Citizens. Niagara University, Offender Reentry Class. Niagara Falls, NY.

Senior Research Associate

Vicki Zimmer, MS

Vicki joined the Via Evaluation team in 2020. Her passion for program evaluation began when she worked for an evaluation firm that specialized in supporting state and federal special education grants. Through this experience, she developed her skills in quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis, and visualization.

Vicki received her B.A. in History from Nazareth College and her M.S. in Library and Information Science from Simmons University. She has a background in a variety of library settings, including public and academic libraries and archives. Vicki is enthusiastic about using her knowledge and skills to help organizations gather high-quality data and use that data to make informed decisions that drive positive change.

Professional Membership(s)

American Evaluation Association


MS Library and Information Science: Simmons University
BA History: Nazareth College


• HIPPA Certification 2020, HIPAA Security & Privacy Training, 2020
Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) IRB Certification