
The new METS RFP was released, and is due on April 25, 2018. Key takeaways from the RFP:

  • Award is for five years,
  • Funds are for eight Migrant Education Tutorial and Support Services centers,
  • Student achievement data now requires secure handling and storage,
  • Use of evaluation results to improve program is required.

In their proposals, applicants will explain how they will use evaluation results to change or modify their program activities and strategies for migrant children and youth, as well as their families.

At Via Evaluation, our focus has been on the use of evaluation reports to improve programming since we began 20 years ago. It is the engine that drives our team. We also have data handling and storage capabilities that meet the highest standards for data protection, including being HIPAA compliant.

Bringing VIA in as your evaluator for METS will help you satisfy three major areas in your grant proposal:

  • Ensuring the effective use of evaluation results,
  • Guaranteeing safe data handling and storage,
  • Meeting M/WBE requirements.

VIA has evaluated projects with these same target outcomes for over 20 years. For more information about how we can support your grant writing team or evaluate your project, please call Gary Ciurczak at (716) 362-0627 or email me at [email protected].