May 26, 2021

Description of grant:

BJA FY 21 Second Chance Act: Adult Reentry Education, Employment, Treatment and Recovery Program provides funding for programming inside jails and prisons that focus on education; vocational and employment services; or substance abuse disorder treatment services. This programming would primarily be offered during the three years prior to release and would also include assistance transitioning back into the community upon release. A variety of entities are eligible to apply for this funding, including local, state, and tribal governments.

Grant link to read more:


Who is Eligible?

  • 501(c)(3)s (other than IHEs)
  • Applicants must have a formal partnership with the jail(s) or prison(s) where programming would be offered.

Deadline for Submission: June 22, 2021 11:59 PM

To discuss how VIA can support your application, book time now30-minute consult


Applicants are required to include in their proposal a plan for collecting the data required for performance measures. Organizations that are interested in contracting with Via Evaluation to provide evaluation services should they be awarded Second Chance Act funding should contact us for assistance with this part of the proposal.


For all other inquires: Contact us at (716) 362-0627 or email us at [email protected].