January 26, 2017

We at Via Evaluation are refocusing on and strengthening our core service of evaluation. We have recently restructured and now evaluation is our only focus.

Our team has evaluated over 225 separate projects, programs, and initiatives since 1998, in grants and projects bringing over $200 million in support to the school districts, universities, agencies, and organizations we work with. This history has given us the ability to provide a highly experienced front-line evaluation team with substantial research and analytical support. We are also dedicated to continuing our successful approach to developing and implementing new evaluation competencies to support clients, and creating new growth strategies.

Our next steps in the coming months will be increasing our outreach and planning strategic initiatives that enhance our abilities to support more communities, more groups, and more people. We’ll continue to provide expert evaluation services, and expand our repertoire of activities and partners.

If you would like to hear more about how Via Evaluation can support your work, or receive our newsletter, please call Gary Ciurczak at (716) 362-0627 or email us at [email protected] .