
Since 2013, Via Evaluation has been working with The Service Collaborative of WNY, the largest AmeriCorps grantee in the Buffalo area, to collect and use data about their AmeriCorps Builds Lives Through Education (ABLE) program. As our work evolved from data consulting to logic modeling to comprehensive evaluation, it became clear that ABLE member experiences were an important element of the program that was not being measured.

To address this gap, Via Evaluation worked with ABLE staff to design, administer, and report on a member experience survey. This work resulted in the infographic below (in addition to a full survey report), which highlighted member experiences from their perspectives. Almost all survey respondents indicated they positively impacted the lives of others, and over three-quarters expressed interest in continuing to work in high-need communities.

Via Evaluation has worked with multiple AmeriCorps grantees, and is very familiar with required performance measures, as well as additional data to collect to demonstrate program impact and understand where improvement is needed.

If you would like to hear more about how Via Evaluation can support AmeriCorp grantees, or other projects, or if you would like to receive our newsletter, please call us at (716) 362-0627 or email us at [email protected]