December 8, 2014

Update: The New York State Commission on National and Community Service has released an update on the 2015 State AmeriCorps Request for Proposals. Frequently Asked Questions have been posted. The FAQs cover a wide range of areas of the RFP.

Please contact us here at Via Evaluation if you are writing an AmeriCorps proposal and would like to use an independent evaluator.

December 2, 2014

The New York State Commission on National and Community Service has released an AmeriCorps Request for Proposals. Applications are due at 5pm EST on December 10th, 2014.

Applicants are required to include a detailed logic model/theory of change and evaluation plan in their proposals. They also can receive points for the strength of the evidence base, backed by research and evaluation, for their approach. Via Evaluation has completed logic models and evaluations for AmeriCorps and similar programs. We can help with your application and conduct the required evaluation for your organization.