September 1, 2015

FitBitAt Via Evaluation, we pride ourselves on our active cultivation of a progressive, positive work environment in which employees can thrive. This summer, we had a lot of fun, and received many benefits from, a walking challenge! Each employee received a FitBit Flex, a type of pedometer, and participated in a variety of individual and team-based “Workweek Hustle” challenges based on number of steps taken during the week. We monitored our, and each other’s, progress and rank positions online. The competition resulted in a noticeable increase in walking, as well as some outrageous attempts to “step it up” and beat the competition! Congratulations to walking champions Emily, Caroline, Komani, Amy, and Stephanie.

We are also very excited to now have some standing desks! Emily and Jessica are piloting them, and all employees have been offered the opportunity to try them out and to purchase one.

What does your workforce do to stay healthy and happy? Do you have any great ideas that we should try? We’d love to hear from you! Connect with us on social media and tell us your thoughts!