The Cullen FoundationThe Cullen Foundation has announced another round of funding for this winter. Nonprofit organizations proposing either 1) education projects that serve grades 5-12, or 2) performing arts projects focusing on community performances, may be eligible to apply for funds. Applicants can propose multi-year projects, up to 3 years, within a range of $15k-$100k per year depending on project type. For Education grants, the Foundation will prioritize projects that include evidence-based programs and that have specific academic outcomes and an evaluation process that supports continuous improvement. Letters of Intent are due by 1/15/16.

Via Evaluation is currently providing program evaluation services for several of the grants funded in the last competition. In addition, Via Evaluation’s grant writing department is very experienced in education and arts related programs and grants and can write, or assist you in writing, an application for this funding opportunity. To learn more about how Via Evaluation can help position your organization for success, contact Gary Ciurczak at (716) 362-0627 or send us an email.